Our Mission

The Regalado Foundation’s mission is to help more Ogden City students obtain post-secondary education. We do this by providing students with guidance and financial resources to reach their college or university of choice.

Ogden City is one of the most diverse cities in the state of Utah. Over half of Ogden High School students speak Spanish at home as their primary language. As such, there are significant language barriers that need to be overcome in order to obtain the information necessary to apply to college and receive funding. With Spanish-speaking mentors, our foundation helps build bridges over these language barriers to give all students an equal shot at receiving the education they deserve.

The process by which we mentor students is quite simple. By working with the faculty members of our high school partners, we identify students in need of our assistance. Then, we visit each school on a weekly basis to meet with these students and discuss their goals, work on the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student-Aid), and work on any other tasks that stand between them and their future education.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”  - Pablo Picasso


At the end of the school year, we begin to accept scholarship applications from our mentees and any other interested students. We review the applications with the help of the schools’ College and Career Centers and divide the scholarship money based on student aptitude and financial need.

In the future, we hope to expand our mentorship to more high schools in the greater Ogden area. Because of our mentors’ experience with the application process for medical school, we also have plans to expand our free resources to pre-medical students across the country.